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Join date: May 29, 2023


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Have you ever put on your  skin cream and then later your skin feels dry and crackly?  Did you know that the main ingredient in most skincare products is water and that the products are often diluted between  70-90% because it’s a cheap filler?

Hi, I’m Sheri Weinstein  and  I’m proud to be a part of a functional living movement with Herbal Alchemy.  Our products are incredibly effective because they're never diluted with water. This means that every ingredient we use absorbs 100% into your skin , resulting in diminished fine lines and fewer wrinkles, and your skin feeling super hydrated and nourished.  With traditional water based creams & lotions, if you take out the water, emulsifiers, fillers, & preservatives, the active ingredients will only be between 2 and 25%. Every single ingredient is alive naturopath & formulated instead of dead/lab synthesized ingredients.

We also have  all natural supplements that are helping people with digestion, energy, brain fog, and joint relief.

My best referrals are people with acne , eczema, rosacea, fine lines & wrinkles along with people interested in health and wellness.

BTW when I'm not helping peeps w/functional beauty products, I'm a badass drummer! I'm in 3 bands woot woot!


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Sheri Weinstein

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